Wednesday, December 20, 2017


In a 2011 post we asked who is your contract manager?  We explained why you need one and listed most of the things a contract manager does.  You are in the most highly regulated industry in the world.  The procurement regulations are more voluminous and complicated than the U.S. Tax Code.  What does that tell you?

Not all contract managers are lawyers.  But in government contracting and subcontracting, your contract manager should be a lawyer well schooled in public contract law.  You need someone who can navigate the rigorous labyrinth of laws and regulations.  Or, be sure to hire a contract manager who has a contract management lawyer at her fingertips.  Yes, a contract management lawyer, not just any lawyer.  Your team needs contract management with legal expertise and talent steeped in government contracts and subcontracts experience.  Whether it's getting a contract, keeping it, or making a profit on it, you need complete contract management coverage.

What does a contract manager do?  Here's a list (not all inclusive):
  1. Knows the statutes, regulations and case law thoroughly and in depth;
  2. Know, writes and speaks the English language clearly and concisely;
  3. Reviews solicitation documents for clarity and legal sufficiency;
  4. Assures proposals are well written and meet solicitation and regulation requirements;
  5. Handles discussions, clarifications and negotiations of proposals;
  6. Handles debriefings and protests;
  7. Monitors performance and assures compliance with all contract terms and conditions and regulation requirements;
  8. Handles all contract interpretation issues and questions about contract requirements and procurement regulations;
  9. Investigates, identifies, analyzes and solves all contractual performance issues;
  10. Keeps a daily diary of contract performance issues and communications with the contracting officer;
  11. Handles all requests for equitable adjustment, claims, cure notices, terminations and disputes;
  12. Handles all communications with the contracting officer;
  13. Prepares, reviews and signs all contractual documents;
  14. Reads all publications relating to acquisition news and keep current on all statutes, regulations and case law; and
  15. Handles contract closeout.
One last important point.  Make the contracting officer your best friend and talk to her daily about what's going on.  Stay in constant touch with her and keep her advised in writing of all important contract management issues and events.  

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