Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Trump is no Republican. He is not conservative. He leads a cult of Trumpism. 

We call for KEEP AMERICA  AMERICA. We need a robust federal government serving the less fortunate, a progressive income tax, an emphasis on civil and voting rights, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, transparency, and empathetic leadership. In short, we need to keep and grow America.

Conservatism in American politics is a political philosophy or ideology that emphasizes the preservation of traditional institutions, values, and social norms. It typically advocates for limited government intervention in the economy, individual freedom and responsibility, a strong national defense, and traditional cultural and moral values. Conservatism in the United States has its roots in various intellectual traditions, including classical liberalism, libertarianism, and traditionalism.

Here are some fundamental principles and characteristics of American conservatism:

  1. Limited Government: Conservatives generally advocate for a smaller, less intrusive government. They believe in limiting the scope and power of government to interfere in individuals' lives and the economy.
  2. Free Market Economics: Conservatives support free-market principles and believe in minimal government regulation of the economy. They often advocate for lower taxes, reduced government spending, and fewer business regulations.
  3. Individual Liberty: Conservatives prioritize individual freedom and personal responsibility. They believe in protecting individual rights and liberties, including the right to free speech, gun ownership, and religious freedom.
  4. Traditional Values: Conservatives typically uphold traditional cultural and moral values, such as respect for family, faith, and community. They often oppose social changes that they perceive as undermining these traditional values.
  5. National Security: Conservatives prioritize a solid national defense and assertive foreign policy. They believe in maintaining a robust military presence and defending American interests abroad.
  6. Judicial Restraint: Conservatives often advocate for judicial restraint and strict interpretation of the Constitution. They support appointing judges who adhere to originalist or textualist interpretations rather than engaging in judicial activism.

Donald Trump, while he identifies as a Republican and has been associated with the conservative movement, represents a departure from traditional conservatism in several vital ways. Here are some ways in which Trump's approach differs from mainstream conservatism:

  1. Populism: Trump's political style is characterized by populism, which emphasizes appealing to the concerns of ordinary people against perceived elites. While populism can overlap with conservative themes, it also includes economic protectionism and nationalism that may not align with traditional conservative principles.
  2. Trade and Economic Policy: Trump has taken a more protectionist stance on trade, advocating for tariffs and trade barriers to protect American industries. This approach diverges from the free-market principles typically associated with conservatism.
  3. Executive Power: Trump has sometimes taken an expansive view of executive power, asserting authority in ways that some conservatives view as inconsistent with limited government principles. This includes his use of executive orders and attempts to circumvent Congress on specific policy issues.
  4. Personal Conduct and Rhetoric: Trump's personal conduct and rhetoric have often been controversial and divisive, diverging from the more restrained and statesmanlike demeanor traditionally associated with conservative leaders.
  5. Foreign Policy: While Trump has prioritized a robust national defense, his foreign policy approach has included isolationism and unpredictability that depart from the more interventionist and assertive foreign policy traditionally favored by many conservatives.

In summary, while there may be some overlap between Trump's agenda and specific conservative priorities, his presidency represented a departure from traditional conservatism in several significant ways, particularly regarding his style, policy preferences, and approach to governance.

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