Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Trump is no Republican. He is not conservative. He leads a cult of Trumpism. 

We call for KEEP AMERICA  AMERICA. We need a robust federal government serving the less fortunate, a progressive income tax, an emphasis on civil and voting rights, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, transparency, and empathetic leadership. In short, we need to keep and grow America.

Conservatism in American politics is a political philosophy or ideology that emphasizes the preservation of traditional institutions, values, and social norms. It typically advocates for limited government intervention in the economy, individual freedom and responsibility, a strong national defense, and traditional cultural and moral values. Conservatism in the United States has its roots in various intellectual traditions, including classical liberalism, libertarianism, and traditionalism.

Here are some fundamental principles and characteristics of American conservatism:

  1. Limited Government: Conservatives generally advocate for a smaller, less intrusive government. They believe in limiting the scope and power of government to interfere in individuals' lives and the economy.
  2. Free Market Economics: Conservatives support free-market principles and believe in minimal government regulation of the economy. They often advocate for lower taxes, reduced government spending, and fewer business regulations.
  3. Individual Liberty: Conservatives prioritize individual freedom and personal responsibility. They believe in protecting individual rights and liberties, including the right to free speech, gun ownership, and religious freedom.
  4. Traditional Values: Conservatives typically uphold traditional cultural and moral values, such as respect for family, faith, and community. They often oppose social changes that they perceive as undermining these traditional values.
  5. National Security: Conservatives prioritize a solid national defense and assertive foreign policy. They believe in maintaining a robust military presence and defending American interests abroad.
  6. Judicial Restraint: Conservatives often advocate for judicial restraint and strict interpretation of the Constitution. They support appointing judges who adhere to originalist or textualist interpretations rather than engaging in judicial activism.

Donald Trump, while he identifies as a Republican and has been associated with the conservative movement, represents a departure from traditional conservatism in several vital ways. Here are some ways in which Trump's approach differs from mainstream conservatism:

  1. Populism: Trump's political style is characterized by populism, which emphasizes appealing to the concerns of ordinary people against perceived elites. While populism can overlap with conservative themes, it also includes economic protectionism and nationalism that may not align with traditional conservative principles.
  2. Trade and Economic Policy: Trump has taken a more protectionist stance on trade, advocating for tariffs and trade barriers to protect American industries. This approach diverges from the free-market principles typically associated with conservatism.
  3. Executive Power: Trump has sometimes taken an expansive view of executive power, asserting authority in ways that some conservatives view as inconsistent with limited government principles. This includes his use of executive orders and attempts to circumvent Congress on specific policy issues.
  4. Personal Conduct and Rhetoric: Trump's personal conduct and rhetoric have often been controversial and divisive, diverging from the more restrained and statesmanlike demeanor traditionally associated with conservative leaders.
  5. Foreign Policy: While Trump has prioritized a robust national defense, his foreign policy approach has included isolationism and unpredictability that depart from the more interventionist and assertive foreign policy traditionally favored by many conservatives.

In summary, while there may be some overlap between Trump's agenda and specific conservative priorities, his presidency represented a departure from traditional conservatism in several significant ways, particularly regarding his style, policy preferences, and approach to governance.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2024



They were so short-sighted. They feared a problem of the times and were myopic. It just shows you that good brains can go stupid at times. It was a monumental mistake, and we are paying for it. Do not venerate our human forefathers for their genius. They don't deserve our approbation, nor do they deserve our condemnation. We all make mistakes.

The Electoral College, a relic of a bygone era, continues to haunt American democracy, perpetuating an unfair and undemocratic system where the minority rules over the majority. As the world evolves and democratic values become increasingly sacrosanct, it's high time we bid adieu to this archaic institution and embrace a system that truly reflects the people's will.

What is the Electoral College? The Electoral College is a system established by the framers of the United States Constitution as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and the election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. Under this system, each state is allocated a certain number of electoral votes based on its representation in Congress, with 538 votes up for grabs. In most cases, the candidate who wins the popular vote in a state receives all of that state's electoral votes.

Why the Electoral College Must Go:

  1. Minority Rule: The Electoral College enables a minority of voters to dictate the outcome of presidential elections. This is because a handful of swing states hold disproportionate sway over the electoral outcome, while the votes of millions of Americans in non-swing states are effectively marginalized. Essentially, we're allowing a minority of voters in battleground states to determine the entire nation's fate.
  2. Disproportionate Influence: The Electoral College grants disproportionate influence to smaller, less populous states while diminishing voters' voices in larger states. This skewing of representation flies in the face of the principle of "one person, one vote" and distorts the democratic process by artificially amplifying the political power of specific regions.
  3. Suppression of Voter Turnout: The Electoral College system can discourage voter turnout, particularly in states where one party dominates. Why bother voting in a "safe" state where the outcome is predetermined when your vote could make a difference in a swing state? This disenfranchisement of voters undermines the fundamental tenets of democracy and erodes trust in the electoral process.
  4. Betrayal of Democratic Values: At its core, the Electoral College is antithetical to the democratic values of equality, fairness, and representation. By perpetuating a system where some votes count more than others based on geographic location, we betray the very principles upon which this nation was founded.

It's time to consign the Electoral College to the dustbin of history and usher in a new era of democracy in America. By embracing a system based on a direct, nationwide popular vote for the presidency, we can ensure that every vote counts equally and that the people's will prevails. Let us not be shackled by the vestiges of the past but rather forge ahead toward a future where true democracy reigns supreme. The time for change is now.

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Friday, March 15, 2024


Galileo, Einstein, Martin Luther King, and Frank Schaeffer were constrained by their circumstances and found liberation to benefit mankind. That is not to extol the virtue of enslavement but rather to demonstrate that restriction may galvanize the creation of genius and the contribution of immense benefit to our species. The constraints were malevolent. But benevolent inhibitors may also produce the sword to fend off the routine and elucidate the extraordinary.

Give Einstein patent applications to critique, and he comes up with the theory of relativity. Galileo gushes gravity from quiet contemplation.

The corollary, ad astra per aspera, spans centuries. MLK endured the shackles of discrimination but found a voice for all time. Frank Schaeffer birthed literary beauty from religion's dankest dogma. In every corner, for every purpose, there is a pattern to follow, a mountain to climb. Majestic discoveries await the the common construction and repairman. 

The more you are constrained, the more liberated you may become. Let the mind-numbing daily duties wash over you to expose the breakthrough deep inside.

Thursday, March 14, 2024




We are close to being at each other's throats. Political or religious discourse, for example, if not nearly all, is shrouded in intransigence, resentment, name-calling, distrust, and outright animosity toward each other. We often opt out of conversations because we likely will argue and walk away, not having convinced the other person of our position, and prefer to return to the silo with the others of our persuasion. You are wrongheaded, so we avoid you at all costs and even wish you dead; we could be wrong, but since we will never change your mind, you are an interloper taking up our space and breathing our air.

We are correct, and you are wrong. That makes us wise and you stupid. One or two words in passing are enough to confirm our impression of you. The world would be better off without you.

We have trouble imagining how we could have a conversation, let alone a dialogue or, god forbid, a compromise upon which to agree. This condition most likely will continue and even get worse. We become isolated and tribal. We coalesce into our fellow traveling groups, disdaining all others. We even have thoughts of violence and civil war. Practice the art of active listening? That's a waste of time.

Can any technique or practice get us talking across the Great Divide? Yes, if we have the courage for it. Enter the Socratic method.

I force myself to articulate your position to your satisfaction. I quiz you until I understand your thinking and play my version of you back to you until you are satisfied I have your thinking down pat. Then you do that with me. The object is to correctly articulate the other person's position. Then what? We either walk away or critique your version of me and vice versa. Eventually, some accommodation or compromise may appear out of thin air. Or, we go home less inclined to kill each other.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024



In an era where the value of social safety nets is often debated, one thing remains crystal clear: Social Security and Medicare are not mere handouts or entitlements. They are pillars of societal support designed to ensure dignity, security, and stability for our aging population. It's time to dispel misconceptions and vigorously defend the expansion of these vital programs.

First and foremost, let's address the misnomer of entitlements. Social Security is not a giveaway; it's an annuity earned through years of hard work and contributions. Similarly, Medicare operates as an insurance plan, providing essential healthcare coverage for seniors who have paid into the system throughout their working lives. These programs are not gifts from the government; they are earned benefits Americans rightfully deserve.

Moreover, it's crucial to recognize the fundamental principle of insurance: risk pooling. Just like any insurance plan, Social Security and Medicare rely on the contributions of many to support the needs of the few. Some individuals may pay more into the system than they receive in benefits, while others may require more assistance than they contribute. This is the essence of solidarity and mutual support, ensuring no one is left behind in need.

Contrary to the rhetoric espoused by some, the push to cut or dismantle these programs is not only shortsighted but also morally bankrupt. Allowing our elderly population to struggle with inadequate support goes against the values of compassion and decency that define us as a society. It's not just about dollars and cents; it's about human dignity and respect for our elders.

Furthermore, let's look beyond our borders and learn from other civilized societies. Nations worldwide recognize the importance of caring for their older citizens, understanding that a society's greatness is measured by how it treats its most vulnerable members. It's time for the United States to follow suit and prioritize our seniors' well-being.

Now, more than ever, there is a concerted effort to undermine Social Security and Medicare under the guise of fiscal responsibility. But we must see through the thinly veiled attempts to strip away these crucial lifelines. Instead of retreating, we must advance. We must demand the preservation and expansion of these programs to meet the evolving needs of our aging population.

There is strength in our numbers, and together, we have the power to shape the future we want to see. Let us stand united in defense of Social Security and Medicare, advocating for increased benefits that reflect the dignity and worth of every American senior. It's not just a matter of policy; it's a matter of principle. And on this, there can be no compromise.


Friday, March 1, 2024


In the intricate world of federal government contracts, where precision, expertise, and strategic finesse are paramount, four seasoned professionals stand ready to guide you through every facet of this highly regulated and complex enterprise. With their help, you not only navigate the challenges but thrive in the vast opportunities that federal contracts present.

Meet the alpha-to-omega coverage:

1.     Jennifer Schaus - Jennifer Schaus brings a wealth of experience in deciphering the nuances of federal markets. Her expertise is crafting meticulous market analysis reports, providing the insights needed to make informed decisions, and strategically positioning your business for success. She specializes in the art of proposal writing. She also ensures that your GSA Schedule is established efficiently and managed effectively to maximize your opportunities.

2.     John Wolf - John Wolf is an internationally renowned forensic schedule analyst and project management expert universally sought out to identify risks before bidding, mitigate them during performance, and assist and testify as an expert if problems arise. He is sought after on all contract management issues for his quick study and cogent articulation of alternate solutions. He can settle disputes one-on-one.

3.     Jim McGovern - Jim McGovern is your consummate forensic accountant who, in addition to being steeped in all generally acceptable accounting principles, knows all of the pertinent complex cost allowability rules in government contracting. He is also an expert in the financial dimension of the government contract business and has testified numerous times on damage calculations of all types.


4.     Bill Spriggs – Bill Spriggs has over 50 years of experience writing and reviewing REAs and claims, negotiating settlements, and resolving disputes through ADR or cradle-to-grave litigation. He can assess risks before bidding and sound alerts when risks arise during performance. His job is to enhance profitability. He has been a CEO and contract manager and can serve as an adjunct in any government contract management role. Clients seek his counsel on a wide variety of management and legal issues.

You've covered the waterfront by picking these four people to serve your government contract needs. You’re not just gaining service providers; you're partnering with experts, each with a unique skill set, dedicated to your success in the challenging realm of federal government contracts. Let them, individually or collectively, be your guiding force as you embark on your journey of growth and opportunity.