Friday, November 10, 2023



While it is true that generational differences exist and have been present throughout history, there is evidence to suggest the younger generation is less respectful, more narcissistic, aggressive, or lacking morality than in the past. More surveys are needed to develop the evidence. However, the allegations are severe enough to warrant suggesting there is a problem.

  1. Generational Differences: It's important to acknowledge that the unique circumstances and events shape each generation during their formative years. How people perceive and interact with the world is influenced by the time they grow up. For example, the Baby Boomer generation was influenced by post-World War II prosperity, while Millennials and Gen Z have grown up in the digital age.
  2. Respect and Communication: Disrespect for elders is nearly a uniform trait across all younger individuals. While some may exhibit what appears to be discourtesy, it is often more a reflection of disdain and outright discrimination. Younger generations may have different ways of expressing disrespect, but it is disrespect, nonetheless.
  3. Narcissism and Discrimination: It's important to avoid broad generalizations. Narcissism and discrimination can be found in any generation.  However, the younger generation’s sense of entitlement (I want mine and yours) should be addressed as societal concerns rather than generational characteristics.
  4. Political Differences: Generational gaps in political beliefs have existed for generations. It's important to remember that people's political beliefs are shaped by various factors, including their upbringing, values, and experiences. Political differences are far more pronounced today and are a sign of moral decline in the younger generations, less so among the elderly.
  5. Moral Values: Morality is not subjective. For tens of thousands of years, the species has subscribed to a basic code of right and wrong. We are hard-wired today to know that code. However, because the younger generations have different priorities or values, their self-centeredness replaces a traditional moral compass. Empathy, for instance, goes out the window and is replaced with indifference and amorality.
  6. Economic and Social Issues: Social security is a purchased annuity, not an entitlement.   It's crucial to promote dialogue and understanding about economic and social issues. The older generation has the advantage of experience and wisdom. Yet more than ever, they are not consulted and considered irrelevant to the vital issues.

In conclusion, although it is essential to approach discussions of the generation gap with an open-minded and empathetic perspective, there is evidence of a moral decline in younger generations that should be seen as opportunities for intergenerational dialogue, understanding, and cooperation to address the challenges and opportunities of our rapidly changing world. A meaningful dialogue may bridge the generation gap and foster a more inclusive and harmonious society.

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